Jun 22, 2004 19:48
So, i found a summer job. yes i sure did. you know what im going to do? i'm going to be a street musician. oh yes. Thats me. I'm going to go sit in a tourist infested area and play guitar and sing or do harmonica or something. Reality can kiss it. As a career I am looking into becoming a bounty hunter. I think ill start small and go after lost pets. perhaps i'll even steal some and wait for a reward to come out for them.
So i have like 100$ and i dont know what to do with it, sure i have lots of stuff that i need/severly want, but...I cant decide.
I found a really good deal on an amp for 100$
I really want a platinum membership to the rolling stones fan club for 100$
I need a wallet
I want the rolling stones singles collection
I want the ac/dc bonfire box set
I need to copy right stuff if im going to start selling my t-shirts
I need to go see the prizoner of azkaban in theatres
I need money to go to the renaissance fair
Eric Clapton souveneirs (:DDDDDDDDDD)
Angus Young, fuck me, please.
Yesterday I purchased School of Rock, Disney's Hercules, and a Moody Blues concert at the colorado Red Rocks. i am happy.
the end.
Robyn Marie
[fucking good]music owns my soul.