
Dec 30, 2006 13:04

you know, after all of this war nonsense i really don't know how i feel about america's killing of saddam hussein. i suppose i'm neither gladdened or saddened by his death. i guess

not to sound ignorant, but i'm pretty certain it was just america who held the nuremburg trials right? i mean the UN was in on that puppy weren't they? Or did america slaughter the nazis and their supporters all on our own?

wouldn't it have been better for iraq if saddam was just held in a jail cell for a while until they were stable enough to kill him.  i mean what show of power is that for the new government... "hey we're a great democracy and if you fuck with us we'll just have america kill you?"  if you want to show any sort of authoritativeness as governmental power would you want to put down your own rebellions and kill your own internal enemies wouldn't you?

In my own musings of world domination ( which often end like pinky and the brain) that's how i'd do it.  even stewie does the same. take lois for example one could liken her to saddam and stewie to a fledgling goverment.  he doesn't enlist any outside help to dispose of her.

maybe bush should have watched more animated plannings of world domination to help him with his "strategery", i'm just saying.

but maybe i'm just callous.
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