May 20, 2005 16:13
Holy motherr of pearls.. watched the oc last night with massha and fassha..HOLy CraP!! i <3edd itt!..& their playing replayss babyy whattt! was okaiishh so farr..woke upp so effin crankyy mann.. bLAHH.. had the talent show first thing thoo.. cheeredd mee upp mann..Johnny BasiL & ALexx you did absolutelyy amazinngg * TriangLe Player herreee i come! * lol..uhMm sean ruperts band * drOoL* haha.. but the ultimateee was.."im a hustla hustla YO! "..holy crapp i was dyingg : ) lol.. mm after had geographhyy..i got to be witness ; ) yessirr!..haha...hMM damnn shika got embarassed how many timess?? lol..hmm had science afterr..copied some mathh notess that i didnt do..looked up at the movie just in time to see the guy in the movie pop a boner..yess sharan yess..NO NOT AT ALLLL..haha.. uhmm LunCh was alrightt spent it withh RaCheL<3..mmm afterr that had frenchh..did some work with aubynn.. bLaHh wass okay, uhmm math no commentt..then englishh had a test ..nn then got to see davidd fight backk with marontatee mann greatets thingg everr..didnt even get to see how it endedd but i salutee himm..haha..uhMm came homee..made planss with candicee so excitedd to see herr..*bestfriendss foreverr laddy*= D<3..going to fg att 6:30iShh..picking her up n then going shoppingg ..yess babyy i love it..: )..well thatss it for now
*Love Always*