Mar 27, 2005 12:50
Ello eLlo!!
HmMm wow so tired and its 12:51 yeshh shar yesh! hahah
Okii well last night * partying * the last night haha..was tres sweet..* L i m P in g * everywhere but of course thats me! hmm..ToNz of people over here thO sheesh crowded at the sekhOnz!!
MmM met tonz of new ppl thO which was cOoL
Party started off a lil ShakY yessh was getting worried But of Course was awesome in the end = )
haha my leg wasnt keeping me from dancing thO * Nope * haha itss so much better today tho ..yesh should be all gOod soOn..whOop!
HmMm called it quitz like 3:30 this morningg ---> ahh so tired!
* Sharans Grand Total For the Weekend *
--------> $800.00 <-----------
WHOOP!! haha so friggen happy.. can i say shopping spree??
Haha!..hMm going to chuckie cheeses nOw with the Cuzinz ouii mademoiselle et monsieur!
exz n oHz
Mz Shar.