Mar 12, 2005 10:01 a good mood right now -finally--
hmm yesterday sucked ass = ) so im gunna do minz (+)(-) thing
(-) lost my armani glasses case right when i got to school
(+) got to see mj
(+) mizz emily john in business
(-) geography
(+)annet :)
(+) science >>surprisingly
(-) lunch ughhh
(-) french
(-) KEVIN your fucking rude!!!
(+) playing hoops in math with tennis balls
(+) english
afterr schooll....
(+) teresas house
(-) getting ditched not cool at all
(+) reese
(+) rambo
(+) long talk with mj afterrr<3
Ughh idk.. everything went friggen wrong yesterdayy..
Uhmm anyways thats in the past noww
>>..todayy daddiez bday = P whOop! uhh and going to a party at nightt