Aug 13, 2005 02:14
I saw Vanessa at Awful Arthur's tonight and was apparently drunk enough to put my differences aside (so she fucked Kevin before I did and then yelled at him, saying she couldn't believe she was losing him to "someone like [me]" - I can get over that) whatever. I came to my senses shortly after officially introducing myself (partly to establish that she's old news now) and continued to call her a tramp when she wasn't looking; but come on, she certainly was dressed like white trash and I can't really believe Kevin would ever hook up with (and I'm going to regret saying this but I can't really think of any other way to say it) someone like her. *sigh* guess I can't have it all. What I do know, though, is that chocolate cake shooter Abe ordered for me was too much. Those things never get along with me and I don't know why I didn't just flat out refuse it, but free alcohol, whut!