Apr 18, 2005 21:13
so my weekend was real fun....on friday i went to the mall with nicole ash shayna jimmy jim doyle tom joe jenny heather nicole angleica and pete. and we pretty much chilled there and caused trouble i stole the coolest belt and i saw chris lombardi and said hi gave him a hug. then after the mall we went to max's house where roger and of course max was there and we played this game ghost which was pretty lame and i got squezzed by roger and thrown to the wall.on saturday i went to sixflags with nicole ash jimmy shayna courtney and erica and we went on rides and had lots of fun. i had my picture taken with a random chinese guy. and then after six flags we went to jimmy house and where joe, tom chris jenny roger max doyle angleica and nicole came. some of them started drinking and we made people pass out. then later we went to maxs for a bit then went home. on sunday ashley, shayna, joe,jimmy, roger,and other people and then we we went to the st.leos playground and today i had school and then i hung out with justin and nicole at my house and then after justin left i went to max house and then picked up my sister and her friends and went on cooper road. and it wasnt that scary but it was alsokind of light out. alright i guess thats it.