May 05, 2005 16:02
Since I am this "diet" kick I find myself looking at the nutritional information for fast food resturants online. pathetic yes, but i have found that one entree fulfills my calorie count for an entire day almost everywhere. no wonder americans struggle with their weight. all i have to say is to each its own. do what you want when you want because you only live once.
one final left and then i have 2 weeks until summer school. wooohooo! i am very much looking forward to two weeks of nothing to do. its catch22 with this summer school thing because i am glad that i have something constructive to do this summer but then again who wants to go to school during the summer.
all i want this summer is to ace BIO 201 and 202 and go to the beach a few times. thats all i ask for. oh yeah and i want a QT gift card so i don't have to worry about having 85 cents everytime i go there.
i want to be 21.