Mar 25, 2005 17:39
Soo its my dad's birthday today, and well it doesnt feel very special. He isnt very big with his own birthday and its always hard to get him gift, so usually i dont get him one.. yes im a bad daughter. But i did make him a card. :-)and it was pretty deep. I dont know what i would do without my dad, hes a big part of my life and without him i wouldnt have basketball so pretty much most people would agree that without basketball i wouldnt have a life haha.
Otherwise lets see what i did today, umm i got up at like 550 and had a shower then finished my homework and then went to school. It was an ok day, nothing special but then Brighid and i walked home to my house without Iris unfortunately since shes lucky and got to skip school for the Cape. When we got home we just hung out listening to music and then got changed for working out at the club.
When we got to the club, we realized that we were late and so everyone else had already started their workouts which sucked but it was fine after all. I was partnered with Brig today. But Sam Patty Cass Erin Sara Alannah Jenny and Addie were there too. So we did our hardcore workouts and then we did ball handling after that. Then we had a little like surprise party for my dad since Brighid and her family was so sweet and baught him a triple chocolate cake and ice cream too! Damn good cake, and i dont usually like chocolate! So i came home, hoping to have a movie night but since its my dads birthday he gets the big tv tonight. And i dont think it wouldve worked anyways. But we ordered in from Hangar so everythings ok haha. Best Wings everrrrr<3
Anyways, im hoping that not all of my entries are this boring or long haha but yeahh now i have one and i kinda feel like a poser. I dont know if live journals are for me yet but ill see.