Mar 30, 2005 18:16
So what else is new? Another boring day at school, but it was rather nice cuz i got my hair done! It looks really good (according to my friends)!
Well this one girl is on my nerves her name is...wait im not that mean, im not gonna rat her out here. I could be that mean, but im in a good mood today so lets think of a good name for her....hmmmm.....(thinking*) Ahah! Katelyn! Thats a good name, actully i hate it, but thats not the point! So katelyn and Jessica and I are all in the same class and we were trying to write a paper and she was asking us how to spell words and crap so jessica hands her a dictionary and was like "USE THIS" So then she starts compaining about how she cant find a word! So i tell her to hush b/c i was writing and she was like "GOD SHUT UP MEGAN I WASNT TALKING TO YOU!" then she starts complaing to jessica, so to vent jessica faces away from katelyn and mouths the words "Im going to hit her in the face" to me, so (knowing me) i start cracking up, b/c this girl was on my nerves too!! So jessica and i are sitting and laughing, and katelyn turns and gives me this look, so i found the word she was looking for and I was like "Katelyn, excuse me, i found the word on pg141, It is in the dictionary!!" So what does she do? Gets an attitude and starts getting all mad! I was like, my god, how ignorant "SHUT UP!" and i thought she was gonna cry she turned away and evryone was looking at her and saying "Calm Down, Breath"! I swear some people are so.....ugh!
We had an assembly today, and they gave us a period of time that we could ask questions so someone stands up and says "Why can teachers have gum and we cant?" I thought that was the dumbest question ever, so I figure everyone else would start laughing so i like say "Oh my god" REALLY LOUD! and it was just my luck that evryone was dead silent at that point, it was so funny, i was so loud, lol! Thats megan for you! So anywhoo, That was my day, I cant wait till high skool, all my friends are there!!! Yay!!! But im gonna miss evryone that isnt going to riverview!!!! Aw im gonna Cry, Well im getting ready to go watch american idol soon, i think anthony federov(sp chk) is goin home!!! (thank god!) Well I'll be back later!!!
Love ya!
<3 meg!