Oct 09, 2005 11:08
Oh man Jerry and I saw the movie "Waiting" yesterday, that was so funny! Everything in that movie is so true about working at a restaurant, but at least at Bob Evans we never fucked with people's food. What a funny movie, Dane Cook is hilarious, and he's really hot (sorry Baby!)
I like how school is going so far. I have great grades, I know I'm raising my GPA from last year's, I'm going to fill out college aps soon, everything's perfect.
And I have Jerry. But it sucks cause I have a nice amount of money and I want to go buy him things for our 2 year, but I don't have a car and Mom didn't feel like shopping yesterday and she's going to Grandma's today. SO how gay would that be to have Jerry drive me to the mall and I shop for him while he sits at the food court or something? LoL I'd feel too bad. I need a car- parents said I can take drivers training (yeah, segment 1) after the snow... meaning the fucking SPRING. Sheesh. I'll get my license right in time for college if all goes well.
I'm so eager to get my digital camera. I was looking at photography online and I was all bouncy with excitement. I know I'll be able to come up with some cool pics, I've always been into artistic photography but too shy to try it out. But there's so much I can do. AND it's fall, and winter will be cool for pics too. AH THE EXCITEMENT!!
SO time for homework cause Jerry's at work. I'm so obsessed with him, but who wouldn't be, he's perfect. No one will ever understand how lucky I am.
October 29, 2003... our first kiss being Oct. 28 lol... awww I Love You Jerry