Aug 13, 2005 10:31
* My name is: Amanda Marie Constantino
* I may seem: like I am loud and out of control
* But I'm really: am!!! :-)
* Sometimes I feel: upset because i dont talk to some people
* In the morning I: hate when the phone rings and wakes me up and it's the tele-marketers...
* I like to sleep: till i have to get ready for work
* Money is: A good thing for me to spend when I am upset!!
* One thing I wish I had is: a call from someone
* All I need is a: love!!
* First best friend: sarah barker
* First real kiss: steve erne
* First break-up: jeffrey hartel
* First screen name:winnie2239
* First self purchased album: I think Nsync!
* First funeral: my brothers good friend
* First pet: a dog named lady
* First piercing/tattoo: ears pierced age10
* First credit card: does a bank car count
* First true love: David it depends on how u look at that
* First enemy: I think erin
* Last cigarette: Don't think so...
* Last car ride: going home from work
* Last kiss: Monday August 8th, 2005
* Last good cry: pretty recent
* Last library book checked out: A long time!!
* Last movie seen: In the and mrs smith
* Last beverage drank: water
* Last food consumed: macaroni
* Last crush: my current boyfriend
* Last phone call: bill
* Last shoes worn: cincinnati flip flops
* Last annoyance: A person...and time...lizzie
* Last disappointment: have many of those
* Last time scolded: It's been about a week!!
* Last shirt worn:lifeguarding shirt
* Last website visited: Livejournal
* Last word someone said to you: take care see you soon
* Last song you sang: tim mcgraw
* What's in your CD player? a burned/mixed cd about love...
* What color socks are you wearing? no socks
* What color underwear are you wearing? bathing suit
* What's under your bed? boxed with pictures, purses...etc...
* What time did you wake up today? 830
* What is your career going to be medical doctor
* Where are you going to live? Where ever this journey called life takes me...
* How many kids do you want?3
* What kind of car(s) Do you like? SUV's sports cars
* Current mood: sad
* Current music: silence...
* Current taste: steak
* Current hair: up and wet because i went swimming today
* Current hate: the way some people are
* Current desktop picture: a picture of the beach