(no subject)

May 23, 2005 10:42

spell your name backwards] adnama
[age] 19
[where do you live] right now cincinnati ohio
[four words that sum you up right now] tired, hungry, bored, and eager
[hairbrush] Not brushing my hair right now.
[jewelry] none
[pillow cover] purple
[piercings] too many
[clothes you're wearing now] jeans t-shirt and flip flops

[after this] going to choir class...lalalala
[talking to]no one...
[eating] Nothing
[fetishes] Plead the fifth!....
[something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months] getting done with this quarter
[last thing you ate] crackers
[if you could have any animal as a pet what would it be] panda bear....aww so cute
[three cities you wouldn't mind relocating to] orlando, bar harbor, and new york city
[fav. food] italian
[something you wish you could understand better] people in general

DO YOU...:

[like candles] Yes
[like incense] Yes
[believe in love] Yes
[believe in soulmates] not really maybe havent found that person yet
[believe in love at first sight]possibly
[want to get married] Yes


[cried]haha yes thanks to david
[bought somethin] nope but going to on thursday
[gotten sick]nope
[sang] Yes
[eaten] Yes
[been kissed] nope boyfriend was home this weekend
[met someone new] everyday
[moved on] Nope
[missed an ex] Kind of...sorry paul
[talked to someone you have a crush on] haha yes
[had a serious talk] yah with david
[hugged someone] yes all the time


[boyfriend/girlfriend?] yes david
[hobbies] everything...singing...shopping...talking....hanging with friends and bf
[pager/cell] I have a cell phone.
[are you the center of attention or wallflower] depends on my mood
[car you drive] my contour and im buying one this summer
[would you rather be with friends or on a date] friends
[job] express down town
[like being around people] to much
[next on your to do list] study and lots of hw
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