Feb 28, 2005 10:33
well well well.... for once i couldnt be happier.... thanks to all of those who have been there....david especially...katie...marie...whit al...courtney and megan....it has been a good couple of weeks socially...but not academically...just a lot of school work to catch up on and lots of exams to study for and papers to write so i think i am going to put myself in my room and start doing them..so they aint last minute and im not stressing but who knows how that will actually go... i am doing alot better with school...but bio is still kicking my ass....first of all i am ready for this quarter to be over 2 weeks to be exact and then finals and then spring break to florida baby...cant freakin wait then going home to cleveland for like a day but i guess its better than nothing right....
this weekend was some fun times...hung out with katie david and brian alot of the weekend and went to phi kaps party on sat and saw some people i havent talked to in a while...friday night was just a house party and i dragged david and a bunch of guys on the 11th floor went out to and me and katie and david drank some so co....i think that is the drink of choice these days...its somethign that we always get...but hmm i guess i gets us drunk faster lol....but it was funn and david got really drunk and so did katie and mine wore off becuase i was helping out david even tho he didnt want me to but we could all tell he need some kinda of help and i have pics to prove his stupidity and it ws really funnny....cant wait for more funn times...lets see he wouldnt shut up till about 430 in the morning and was all of the place laying on the floor under the bed in the bathroom is was quite the amuzement...and his roommate and me were laughing...then dididnt really do anything on saturday at all just watched movies in davids room and then ate dinner with them.... i have never eaten dinner with them ever...kinda weird but funnn....
so saturday night i played the new addicting computer game called snood... that game is crazy and then i got ready to go to phi kap...and we drank a lil in the room...and me and sarah are good now i think we are ....we still have a lot of talk ing to do but who knwos when that will happen...we didnt do it last night because she was still hung over from saturday night which was a nother funny story in it self...but then i got a lil tipsy on saturday night and david had to deal with me which iwas a lil worse the way i was acting and kos kept giving me drinks and idrank themm..and i had a flamming dr pepper which was pretty good and i def felt it after wards....but i was a good time and had a good night after we got back to the dorms lol :) david was helping me out..... and i was getting emotional which itend to do when i drink but come on who doesnt get like that....hmm lets see what else is going on .... nothing really on sunday did absolutely nothing and just wating for this weekend...for phi kaps formal...that ought to be interesting lets see how it goes i dont wanna get to drunk but i know that i wil so why do i bother saying anything about that...well thats all for me right now im gettign ready to nap later gaters