Jan 30, 2005 14:35
last nite was vvvvveeerrrrrrryyyyyyyy fun.
minus a few things that sucked wicked bad.
"lucha ENOUGH with the fuckin cell phone"
yeah we all wanted to beat the hell out of him
"if you believe it's my birthday don't talk"
"you dont believe its my birthday? i HATE you"
"no seriously... you're not my friend."
"...dont EVER come back to this hotel..."
"Lucha left 3 hours ago." - said by Brendan himself
haha sleeping under the counter hahaha ;)
... of course sleeping over with the BF is always fun
((even though he stole the pillows and blankets)) <3
that room was a MESS. like sooo bad. but oh well
thanks sooo much to chrissy for the transportation
i appreciated it soooo muccch. esp. when ur car
wouldn't start & Bill got gas for you. sooo cuute
soooo much more but i'm extremely lazy as usual.
happy birthday Lisa! :) (i know it's late.)
and thanks so much for having me theree , <3 you!!
"omg you havent been here for like THREE hours
what the hell have I been doing without you?!?!"
ok im out. :)