Jul 03, 2002 13:04
hello luved ones
life has been hella busy!!
Well I am back home and realized that i had not written in Weeks! as many of you know I went to the big Apple for 2 weeks, had a fab time. Ate amazing food, did much harm in the clothing shops, and saw many loved ones ( even saw a old love). It was the first time i was back in NY since 9/11 and was very sad about it. I could not bring myself to go to ground zero. I was near by twice (South street seaport & battery park) but could not go to see that place of destruction. My uncle who was also in town for the Family reunion went. Said that it was a humbling experience and painful. On a lighter side one of the reasons I went home my niece was having her 1st formal dance and she graduated from 8th grade. It was awesome and emotional, loved it. As usual with my family we got together cooked, ate, talked, laughed, fought and in general enjoyed being together. I look forward to going home again in August. I am taking my 16 cousin and 2 of her friends on a college tour. Please pray for me, send out good vibes and meditate ( anything that will help me).
Since I have been home i have been the socail butterfly
3 movies
2 parties
3 flirtations with men
3 nightclubs
4 BBQ's
1 one hour marriage ( at Daveareno's party)
umpteen videos
Pride festival
and now the 4th is tomorrow. My goodness somehow I have gotten a little bit of a life after all....oh yes it is summertime!
peace to my luved ones