Mar 15, 2006 15:53
Who has cool graphics/pics that I can put on here?
MySpace is cooler in ways, but here you can type so much more and it's really just a journal, nothing else.
Drama is stupid. I wish it didn't exist.
There I thought I was drama-free and my past has to come right back in my face, although I can't blame the guy for being paranoid about me running my mouth again but that wasa year ago, totally new person I am now! HAVE SOME FAITH IN PEOPLE SOMETIMES, please!
Ok, is it really bad that there's a guy in the dept. I work with that i see quite often, and everytime I see him I just melt inside?? he can't be like but 26 or 28.... and it's so frustrating. . .because he's def. my type I go for, and well dammit I'm just a college student and stuff ot him, and he's got a girlfriend I believe, another negative. If only I could see and meet and get to know guys like that outside of work and shit.
*life sucks*
Comments Welcome.