Sep 21, 2004 13:25
I think I did pretty good on the biology test I took last night.
I had all my stuff together, got back to UNCC, felt like crap, felt like I had made a bad decision to try and stick it out there for a night or two because it wouldn't be any different there than here...boy was I wrong. I go down to the C-store with my roomate Tiffany (cstore convenience store, same ole thing)....and I end up coughing up a LUNG or something while I'm in the checkoutline, first bad sign. And then I feel and look like CRAP when I get into Biology but as I got through the test, I felt good about my decision to come and take the test. It wasnt as hard as I thought it would be or wasn't as hard as I thought last year's tests were, of course different teacher, diff study methods all good :)
I end up getting back to my dorm room, get online and talk to my sister & my mom about coming home and my mom comes out there to get me like 15 min. later, I end up getting home just in time for One Tree Hill (thanks Rae for taping Gilmore Girls) i'll watch that later.
My mom is headed home with some Taco Bell for me and then we're gonna go back to the doctor. She's worried it might've turned into bronchitis and that could eventually turn into pneumonia, I've had penumonia too many times to wanna get it again!
The dudes came by and started putting in our hardwood floors (the lil section they put in looks pretty!!)
I jjust hope I can get better soon.
You know ur REALLY sick when you wanna go to class! lol