Wow. Four months since I've updated my story, or posted anything for that matter. I'm really glad I'm not making my living as an author, because any publisher would've fired my ass looooong ago.
So, anywho...
Um, if anyone actually still cares out there, I haven't given up on my post-Avatar fic. I really do plan on working on it still, I just lost my muse temporarily because of work issues, life issues, computer issues, and general over-all life suckiness. I'm not gonna go too into it, because I hate complaining and even though this is my blog and I'm supposed to write what I feel, well... I don't feel like it. So there. :p
I might be just a little over-tired right now. Please excuse any crazy rambling.
I've also been captivated by a new fandom for the past month, which I will now pimp out enthusiastically. If anyone has not yet had a chance to watch Syfy's brilliant new miniseries Alice, get ye to Youtube posthaste! I've been a HUGE fan of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass since early childhood, so when I found out that Syfy would be giving it a futuristic overhaul, I was more excited than words can describe. If anyone is familiar with Syfy's other miniseries, Tin Man, you'll understand how they are able to retool the classics into something gritty, dark, and exciting without losing the feel of the original story. However, unlike the dark and somber world of Tin Man, Alice goes more with the glitzy, bright feel of a 60s Bond movie, complete with wild gun chases and girls dancing in go-go boots. Plus, the best part of Alice is that it mixes in a healthy dose of romance with all the action and adventure. And so, without further ado, let me state the obvious to all of you who actually *are* familiar with Alice already...
I am truly, deeply, madly in love with Andrew Lee Potts, aka Hatter. I won't say too much so as not to spoil it for those of you who haven't seen the series yet. But I will just say that I haven't been so attracted to a guy's accent and hair since Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and it's even better because Potts' accent is actually real.
I highly suggest anyone who hasn't watched the series yet follow the link and see why the show is so amazing. And I *dare* you not to fall in love with Hatter within the first couple seconds of laying your eyes on his perfectly wispy hair! ^_~ As for the next chapter of my story, I'm actually working on Katara's part right now, and I hope to finish by the end of this week. *crosses fingers and prays for some willpower*
See ya!