Mar 13, 2006 08:55
Ok so I feel stupid bc I dont know the guy's name at the gym but he knows mine. I feel stupid asking him his name bc I probably should have done that a very long time ago. So to get me to ask him his name I told tammy to make me some how. I can't say what she would do if I didnt but yeah lets just say that I have to ask today. I feel like Im in high school or something....i know its stupid all of this but I dont know...Man...Im so nervous right now...its so lame!
Anyway last night tammy and I went to Sushi Itto was very good. Then we went to the movies which was fun as always.
Today I have to workout of course, clean my room/bathroom, and get as much hw done as possible. Im trying to get ahead so that when kris is here I can spend more time with her. We are definitely going to party it up. Then the week after that Bay Area here it come! Im so excited to see all my family...i havent been up there in a long time. I can't wait to go the SF with my cousin and party!!! woot woot!
Oh yeah this is random but they changed the name of my dads old college. Its no longer Cal State Hayward...its not Cal State Easy Bay, I believe. My dad thinks its stupid to change the name. I mean they did it bc no one wants to go to a school in Hayward (yes my hometown is ghetto! to the max!) But like my dad said what is east bay? uhhh its still Hayward, Oakland, etc. So really I dont get why they changed it but whatever im putting way to much thought into this.
Well time to go to the gym and make an ass out of myself....ahhhh....