hey all, so i completely NEVER write on here anymore... cause i never have time.. and since i am procrastinating on my homework, i decided to update
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=7099734&Mytoken=14971EF9-141F-4277-A20BD912C313AC7B2924463984 go.listen.now
this my freaking cool ass frined who also wonderfuly happens to have just moved in nextdoor to me.. and she wrote/sung/recorded/mixed/pretty much completely created all of those songs...
and i love her ot death, so go listen cause i am HELLA proud....
anyways.. i am sick as balls because i have no vice and sound liek a man... and boys pretty much suck and cause me drama....
haha that's about it..
love you all and my VDT girls i am comming ot see your nutcracker
and mia and kat, i'm comming to see you too.. cause that's how i roLLLL