Feb 13, 2005 13:22
hey everyone i am having a good day (so far ) yesterday my aunt and my mom went shopping for our new bed's im very excied cuz were getting out room redone !! then we went to my grandmas to celebrate my sisters b-day ( even thought its not till thursday . we talked a lot about vacation !! that was cool cuz it got me even more excited about going ! i had church today Allison Frye is sooooo funny !! we were eating pizza and had soda but started choking cuz wer wera laughing so hard lol ! i thought about Olivia a lot today ! My prayers ar that she will be safe and know that somewhere at some time someone will aloways thinking or praying for her ! i know that i will . i was not in church the whole time today but what i heard was pretty good Pastor said that God is on our side and that he will aloways sick up and defend us . i guess Yevett was right " we better listin to what we can in servis or we might miss a blessing that Gid has for us " . any way i will right more later or tomorrow
- Taylor