May 01, 2006 19:01
I started truly working on Friday. I worked 5:30 to 9:30 on Friday, 12-8 on saturday, and 11-7 on Sunday. That is 20 hours in one weekend. Geez.
But, it's fun. I mean, i get to play laser tag with bar codes all day and check out people's credit cards. And, I get paid 7.42 an hour, which is not bad. On Friday and Saturday I was working with someone so that they could train me, but Sunday there were such long lines that I had to open up my own lane ALL BY MYSELF! a 'trainee' isn't supposed to be alone for atleast 2 weeks, and I was alone after 2 days. They said that I caught on extremely fast though. I mean, I was fine. I had some difficulties with a ladies Cingular Rewards gift card, because it said DEBIT on the card, but it wouldn't run as debit. So after about 5 minutes of her trying, I ran it as credit, and lo and behold, it worked. But no one got upset at me or anything. It was fine. I rather enjoyed it. My feet, however, did not. My heels still hurt from yesterday. I really don't enjoy standing on hard tile for 7 hours straight. Okay, I get 2 half-hour breaks during the day. But standing like that really hurts my feet! I bought comfy black shoes, but they still don't really ease the pressure. Oh well, i'll get used to it.
Anyway, 24 days of school left. You bet I'm counting down.