My LiveJournal 12 DaysMy True Love gave to me...12
acertaintragedys a-galloping.11
almostxaviers a-sleeping.10
bravewaffles a-calling.9
dancer3202s a-winking.8
djjonums a-swallowing.7
dreamsdontlasts a-laughing.6
fairyprincsss a-typing.5 light green
mibicho21s.4 guzzling
neonkittyns.3 Canadian
poeticinjustices.2 hamster
sofakingpunks.And a
xmalcumxjax in a papaya tree.Another fun meme brought to you by
Lately things have been good. I'm kind of sick right now but what else is new... I'm happy and the holidays seem to make me even happier. There is however one thing that could make everything perfect but I was stupid to think it was possible.
School is finally over for the semester as of last night and I'm so glad. I did good and I will finally pass government, that's what happens when I go to classes, I pass them:) Next semester I am only taking one class, shh don't tell my insurance companies;) It's not going to be a fun one though, it's pre calculus and I hate math. It means I will actually have to spend a lot of time studying.
What's up with Secret Santa by the way?? I know we're supposed to have dinner and then get drunk but are we going to try to guess our secret santa's, isn't that how some people do it, they'd leave clues and stuff. There's still time:)