Aug 21, 2003 22:36
I guess you could say that todays event were a lot more better than the last couple Ive had.
2 nites ago I was having such a blast. Funny thing is that my depression caused me to do somethin I probally wouldnt have done if everything was kewl in my life. Out of no where I decided to call Sebastian to see what he was doin.... of course he wasnt doin a damn thing so I told him that we should go kick it and he was liek "aight, sounds kewl" Ive known the guy for about 2-3 years and never once did we hang out excpet at Homecoming my junior year!!!! We dont really talk on the phone all that often anymore too so it was weird that I would just get up a decide to call him to hangout cause Im the shy type of gurl who wouldnt have enough courage to ask a guy to hangout unless i really really really knew him. Okay so anyways, I got an unexpected phone call from Heather M. I havent seen her since graduation she decided that the 3 of us go kick I went picked up Sebastian then Heather and since we had no idea what to do we went to a bowling alley all the way up in the highlands....things got kinda boring and Sebastian decided not to bowl so he was kinda bored. After he used my cell he said we could go kick it with sume of his friends so we jetted out of there. When we arrived we found out we were kickin it with other people we use to know back in highskewl. So it was kinda nice to see Jeff, Chris S., and ummmmm i forgot his name lol i think its David. These people were known for partyin heavy so I found it to be a lil weird when I could out-drink all of them... these people were drunk off of 3 or 4 beers and here i was on my 5th jus buzzin, so after another 5 beers then I The other gurls were nice to so I'd kick it with Vanessa and Vivian again. We ended up spending the nite cause Heather ended up fuckin' Jeff...oops was i suppose to say that??lol o well, I was tryin to play Solitare but I ended up passin out at the table for liek 45 mins hehe, Everyone was K.O'd except Sebastian so we ended up stayin up all nite watchin scary movie and talkin bout whatever. I let him drive my car to 7-11 cause I wasnt feelin capable of drivin. So when we got there he bought a bottle of water!!! We drove all the way to a 7-11 for freakin water!! I was liek Hmmmm alrite. Later everyone else woke up and left but cause Heather hadnt left her "room of joyious love" I had to wait. So finally around 3:00pm we left and got sume KFC lookin liek crap and then I dropped her off. I drop home and knocked the fuck out! I was sooooo tired.
So after I woke up is when yesterday started. I drove all the way out to ten-buck-two to pick up Lindsay from her dad's house. So after I got her we picked up her friend Meghan and headed to EV13 to watch Freaky Friday. Ive already seen so for the 2nd time it was alrite. After the movie we headed to Taco Bell for some grub. Then we decided to go to sume party, where Lindsay was trippin out cause there was sume guy that supposibly hated her and would kill her if he saw her so we drove around till they left. Once inside things kinda dulled down a lil. The people were friendly and at first I seemed a lil old for that group but then things started getting more picked up and there was this hilarious gurl named Holly that was sooooo freakin drunk that she was actin all cute hehe.... so after a while we finally left and i dropped everyone off and got to go home to my nice warm bed.
Now today..... lol, let me tell you... back in 6th grade I had a gun to my head (I lived in the ghetto back then) so any kind of attempt to take my life scares me but not as much as it would to the average person. To continue...I had to make a couple of my entries friends only and I even had to delete a couple for "personal reasons".... Cause I had "sumeone" call me out of anger threating that they were gonna "send someone over to [my] house to personally kill [me]"... the person called back a 2nd time alot more calmer thank god, but because I was pissed off i told them I was gonna call the cops on them for threating my life. So I changed my entries and the person called back a 3rd time.... by then I was really confused about what was going on and we both decided that we needed to talk and get sume things figured out. But imagine being awake for only 30 mins and already sumeone wants to kill you!!!!
Mite I also and that Rico has promised me that we would get together and talk sometime soon. Im hopeing he doesnt break that promise cause I have soooo much to get off my chest rite now. Im needing the closure and after our convo today I think things mite work out.
As for the rest of my day, I stayed at home and relaxed. My grandma helped me put up mirrors on my walls in my bedroom. Its actually added a nice touch. hehe. Well I think Im off to bed....Im kinda tired for sume odd reason.
Everyone take care, see ya later and tata ...xoxo