Title: Taken (7/?)
Pairing: HanChul, KyuMin, YeWook, KangTeuk later KiHae (girl!Heechul, Sungmin, Ryeowook, Leeteuk and Donghae)
Genre: Angst (maybe?) AU, science fiction
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Something is out to get the human race, but what?
Disclaimer: Based off a dream, The movies: The Fourth Kind, The Crazies and Legion AND inspiration
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wow smut kind of creepy since youre younger but i guess the hormones are kicking in haha
"Hey Kangin" I yell from the stairs. He then appears from the kitchen.
"Yes? Ready to go?" He asks me but stares at Hangeng.
"No, I just feel like calling out your name. Yes! Let's go!"
haha that is so like me
i love this fic update faster squishy kay ^^
lol *blushes* well I've read alot of smut fanfic already but yes it was a bit weird to be writing this is class when i was bored
i do that all the time with my mom ^^
lol kay i will try!
haha I do that with my parents and sometimes they laugh or tell me to shut up hehe
you try and you well^^
my mom just gives me the look :o
i haven't even started to write the next chapter T.T too many things going on... X'(
shell slap me hahah jk
aww man i hope nothing bad sguishy <~ look i made a fish...
nothing bad just wasn't prepared *sighs* ? not to be rude unnie but how? i don't see it... *looks really hard*
ewww water is icky
you don't like water?! well i'm a runner so i tend to drink ALOT of it, i like it
youre a runner nice i used to be for like 4 weeks but then i gave up haha failure i like dance better
^^ i like to dance too but its too hard >< i just dance cause i love it
hey unnie i'm going to bed i'll talk to u tomorrow, i have to wake up to go to a meet at 6 >< so don't want to go *sighs* AND ITS A SATURDAY! on saturdays you sleep in not walk up earlier than a normal school day. fun, who doesn't want to walk up early to run 8 miles? X'(
i love dancing ever since i was a little peanut keke i was a cheerleader and was in modern dance too
ok go to sleep... eww tale lots of water night night
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