All the quizzes from my myspace... =)

Jul 29, 2006 12:28

Oh yeah, and it's my birthday too. =)

Take the quiz:
What type of swimmer are you?

You are a BACKSTROKER! Who needs blocks? Real swimmers begin IN the water, right? You're one of the more creative swimmers on a team, and you have a great sense of humor. You get along really well with your coach and use reflective goggles so the sun wont kill your eyes. Being the first leg on the medley relay, many of your teammates look up to you as a leader.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
What type of swimmer are you?

You are a BREASTSTROKER! Congratulations you frog. You have one of the sexiest strokes and eventhough you go last in your lane during practice, you can beat up the other swimmers with your arm and leg strenght. You are very smart, and you pay attention when the coach talks. Although you are capable of swimming other strokes, you enjoy this one the most because you have a good sense of rhythm & speed which when put together results in one kick ass swimmer.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

You Are Dr. Pepper

You're very unique and funky, yet you still have a bit of traditionalism to you.

People who like you think they have great taste... and they usually do.

Your best soda match: Root Beer

Stay away from: 7 Up

What Kind of Soda Are You?

Your Heart Is Pink

In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.

Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.

Your flirting style: Coy

Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park

Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant

What you bring to relationships: Romance

What Color Heart Do You Have?

You Are a Light Pink Rose

You represent sweetness and grace.

Your vibe: Kind and gentle

Falling in love with you: is like falling in love with a best friend

What Color Rose Are You?

Your Eyes Should Be Brown

Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom

What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart

What Color Should Your Eyes Be?

-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --

Your Political Profile:

Overall: 55% Conservative, 45% Liberal

Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?

You Are Pumpkin Pie

You're the perfect combo of uniqueness and quality

Those who like you are looking for something (someone!) special

What Kind of Pie Are You?

You are Ocean Blue

You're both warm and practical. You're very driven, but you're also very well rounded.

You tend to see both sides to every issue, and people consider you a natural diplomat.

What Color Blue Are You?
Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino

Smooth and sweet, you fit in to almost any crowd. No one would suspect you of being a coffee tweaker!

What Flavor Frappuccino Are You?

Cheese Pizza

Traditional and comforting.

You focus on living a quality life.

You're not easily impressed with novelty.

Yet, you easily impress others.

What's Your Pizza Personality?

Your Love Element Is Fire

In love, you are a true listener and totally present.

For you, love is all about feeling more alive than you've ever felt.

You attract others with your joy and passion.

Your flirting style is defined by your strong ability to communicate.

Fun and play are the cornerstones of your love life.

And while your flame may burn too brightly, it's part of your appeal.

You connect best with: Wood

Avoid: Water

You and another Fire element: will likely burn out quickly

What Element Is Your Love?

You Are a Blue Flower

A blue flower tends to represent peace, openness, and balance.

At times, you are very delicate like a cornflower.

And at other times, you are wise like an iris.

And more than you wish, you're a little cold, like a blue hydrangea.

What Color Flower Are You?

Your Brain is 40% Female, 60% Male

You have a total boy brain

Logical and detailed, you tend to look at the facts

And while your emotions do sway you sometimes...

You never like to get feelings too involved

What Gender Is Your Brain?

You Are Apple Red

You're never one to take life too seriously, and because of it, you're a ton of fun.

And although you have a great sense of humor, you are never superficial.

Deep and caring, you do like to get to the core of people - to understand them well.

However, any probing you do is light hearted and fun, sometimes causing people to misjudge you.

What Color Red Are You?

You Are Emerald Green

Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you.

Inside, you are very emotional and moody - though you don't let it show.

People usually have a strong reaction to you... profound love or deep hate.

But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There's something naturally harmonious about you.

What Color Green Are You?

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