Mar 17, 2005 08:49
What up kids? Im at school not doing any work, but what else is new? so im pretty dang content in my life right now. Will's and my friendship is backto the way it was with the exception of even more sexual innuendos, which is kinda weird but ehhh im not complaininga nd i dont think he is, which if he is someone please tell me so i dont make a huge fool outta myself. Spring break is in 2 days! holy hell yes. All of the administrators with the exception of mr.ass i mean clark are dressed up today. Theres our principal is dressed as barney, sports diretor is shrek and our assistant principal is big bird. what a fun day.hahahahahaha! i actually have to go videotape them for the news today, which should be fun cuz i mean hello, look who gets outta class, me! yesss! so right now im a student assistand and my teacher and another teacher are having a debate about the president and im bout to put my two cents in and they wont like it. anyways. talk to you kids later./