My tweets for today.

Nov 27, 2009 23:55

  • 01:07 I hope I'm making the right decisions! #
  • 11:41 @ StephenMGrace I may or may not have stolen seasons 1 & 2 of Curb. I will return them Sunday. <3 #
  • 12:09 I know what makes me happy, and I'm pursuing it. :) #
  • 12:11 @ muliebrity48 always! #
  • 14:36 Quiet Danny Duberstein! RT @StephenMGrace you're a schmohawk! Haha #
  • 14:39 @ StephenMGrace you been seeing any cute 9 year old girls lately? #
  • 15:07 @ StephenMGrace HEY YOU DON'T SAY THAT! #
  • 17:04 Why doesn't my family understand that Chicago is no longer my home? They don't even feel like family anymore. #
  • 17:23 @ linzyxxxxx why can't they just be happy that for once I'M actually happy? #
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