Jul 11, 2011 22:47
Day 1 (July 5th)- Rank the HP books in order of preference
Day 2 (July 6th)- Rank the HP movies in order of preference
Day 3 (July 7th)- Favorite characters and why
Day 4 (July 8th)- Top 5 favorite HP fan artworks
Day 5 (July 9th)-Top 5 favorite HP fanfics
Day 6 (July 10th)- Top 5 favorite HP fan made media (videos, songs, plays/skits, etc)
Day 7 (July 11th)- Year, age, and reason you started reading HP
Day 8 (July 12th)- Your Top five favorite HP moments (books or movies)
Day 9 (July 13th)- How would you say the HP series and fandom has affected you?
Day 10 (July 14th)- What scene are you looking forward to most in DH2?
Day 11 (July 15th or whenever you get to see DH2)- Describe your experience watching DH2. What was your favorite scene?
I can't remember exactly when I started reading HP, but I think it was before OotP came out. I was probably in my early 30s and was teaching reading to 5th graders. I kept seeing these books out all the time, in class, at lunch, at recess, everywhere. I couldn't imagine a book that would make kids want to read instead of play on the playground! So I decided to read them and see what all the fuss was about. If nothing else, it would give me something to talk to the kids about outside of the novels we read in class.
I started reading the first book, and I made sure to bring it to school so the kids could see me reading it. They were so cute, telling me how much I was going to love them and how I wouldn't want to put them down. I smiled thinking how cute their childhood enthusiasm was. Well, the joke was on me because I fell in love with them so quickly that I think I read all 4 books in like 2 weeks. I still remember their "I told you so" smirks when I finished them. LOL