(no subject)

Dec 15, 2007 14:13

Classes I'm taking Winter Term ^___^:

Math 111 (College Algebra) everyday except Tuesday
Psychology 202 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
CST 116 (Intro to C++) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
English 246 (Reading for Fiction Writers) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
CST 130 (Computer Organization) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The class also has a 3-hour lab on Thursday.

So from the looks of it, my Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are going to be chock-full. But that's okay ^____^ I'm looking forward to Winter Term, 'cause it'll be much more challenging and fulfilling ^____^

Things are going a little bit better over at my sister's house. She's starting to be more attentative towards me, which to me, is a bigger improvement than watching her play WoW all day ^^;; It still doesn't stop me from wanting to see everyone at Hillsboro, though.

Last night, my sister and her fiance took me out to dinner with a bunch of their friends, which resulted in people drinking. I won't deny that I get a little edgy around alcohol, since I know it doesn't do anything but bring out the worst in people, so I kept my guard up during the whole trip. Sure enough, everyone's inner personalities took over when they had a little too much.

Needless to say, I was scared shitless. I wasn't sure how we (my sister and I, since we were the only ones not drinking) were going to get home, and I didn't want to know what could possibly happen when we DID get home. However, things were okay, since a friend was still "sober enough" to take the three of us home, and I was treated to the glorious sounds of my sister's fiance throwing up for 2 hours -___-

During the trip, though, my sister asked me why I didn't get a boyfriend yet (or in her words, a boy toy). I told her I wasn't interested in starting a relationship at the moment, and that I don't think of boys that way (as in just tools for sexual pleasure). She began telling me how I didn't need to be in a commitment in order to have a lover in my life, and that I should "loosen up and live a little."

I'm sorry, but when I heard this, I couldn't help but be extremely annoyed and disappointed at my sister. She's getting married and she has this type of mindset. What's worse, during the dinner, she outwardly asked her fiance how is it that they are getting married when their personalities don't match, since "that's the basis of everything." I mean, I know I'm supposed to support family no matter what, but I can't help but look at her and think "Holy shit, and THIS is what I'm supposed to look up to?" I don't pretend to be a saint or anything, but I try to uphold my values wherever I go, and when I see someone who is willing to be like this, I can't help but. . . be disappointed.

Am I being too harsh?
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