the wittiest, kindest, most generous, and cuddliest new friend ever
HI KOSY HI KOSY HI KOSY. Alright, a few things you should know.... yeah, I know you're asleep as I'm typing this and it actually saddens me just a bit. ;~; I'M SO SORRY. I WANTED TO GET THIS UP EARLIER but life got in the way. ;;; But I want to keep my word! So hello hello, Kosy love, and happy birthday! Because guess what - it's still your birthday in California as of right now!
So from what I understand, there was a bit of a rough day today, huh? I'm sorry, lovely. :c I really am because you know what? We haven't known each other very long - perhaps just a bit underneath a month - but I already feel that you're a very good friend of mine. You haven't been anything but the absolute sweetest every time I encounter you and I'm so happy to know that someone like you exists in this world. So no matter what happens to you, I hope you know that I'm always there at your beck and call to support you through it! Because really, all I want from you is for you to be able to smile and have a good day along with the rest of us. I think you very much deserve it!
Because since we've met, you really haven't been anything but the most welcoming and friendly person. I'm so glad I worked up the courage to poke you at the Route meme after knowing that you were associated with a number of my other friends, and I haven't been disappointed in the slightest. ;w; You're just as lovely as I had expected you to be and more! Haha, you know you attract a lot of people to you, right? You just have the most shining personality that attracts friends and I thought I was lucky to be able to be around a person like that at all. But you shattered my expectations and reached out just as I did, leaving me acknowledged and astounded by your generosity every single time.
It's really because you have a gift, Kosy darling. I admire your ability to make others feel loved no matter what happens, and also the fact that you are easily one of the most beautifully outrageous and hilarious people on my timeline - sometimes without even trying. There's a charisma to you that makes you just so utterly fantastic and I will honestly be one of the first to say that you're a wonderful person - there really is just no evidence to the contrary, no matter what you may say. You genuinely take an interest in things and pursue them and make everyone around you feel that much better.
So I genuinely hope that you just keep on shining, Kosy love. Share the joy that you seem to carry around in your pocket and show up everyone who ever doubts you. I know that you have all the promise in the world and will do great things - it just seems to me like the kind of person you are. There's an army of people ready to assist you should you ever say the word too, and I hope you know that definitely includes me. ♥
Happy birthday, Kosy darling! ♥♥ And happy unbirthday for when you see this as well. May you have the happiest year ever. I love you a lot. ♥