After a few days of rapid posting, I fell off the face of the earth.
... ohgod, report cards are coming out for the quarter soon. And quite simply? I'm screwed, I know it. I've got a B in Japanese almost indefinitely, since despite quizzes, I'm really failing at turning in things and paying attention. BUT TO GO DOWN THE LIST SIMPLY.
Dance: I'm safe. Easy class is easy and even though I missed a test or two since I was out of town, I do well in that class. I might do the extra credit just in case, though.
Choir: A...? I think? High B, at the very least. I just joined this semester but I'm catching on fast and managing rather well, I think. Choir and music is in my blood, so I hope it'll turn out all right for me int that class.
Japanese: see previous paragraph
English 1 Honors: B. My quizzes are strong, my tests are strong, my homework is strong, but... gosh darn it, this teacher is nitpicky on essays. So while I've got form down and I'm an eloquent enough writer, she fails to see how some of my evidence actually proves my thesis. I'm going to have to buckle down on that and think even harder, I guess. I still want that A by the end of the year.
Algebra 2: ... gods, I don't even know. My tests and quizzes are in the High B to A-plus range, but I'm skipping out on homework more and more because I either fall asleep in class and forget to copy it down or I copy it down and then fall asleep, and I'm too lazy to bring my book home and do it. I know the material, I take notes, I just... I can't bring myself to do the homework if I'm too tired. My teacher is cool and lets me sleep since I ace the tests, but I have a feeling she's noticed my sudden decline in homework points.
Bio Honors: B, I think. My tests are getting better, ranging from a C to low A range, averaging to a slightly low B. I do as much of the homework as I can, though I admit I can't answer some of the questions because the teacher fails to teach. And like I said, I'm lazy and have trouble just sitting down with the book and reading. orz
Clearly, my problem is that I'm simply not interested in certain subjects. My English class is covering the Odyssey and I was all over that. Greek gods and goddesses? I immediately jumped on the topic. But when we're covering logarithms in Algebra I just... I don't want to have anything to do with it and while it's easy material, it fails to catch my interest at all. I'm always focused on what I want to do and what's fun, which is causing my studies to fail. I need to buckle down and face reality soon...
Things are working out for me pretty well. Dad still has his moments of sickness, but he's getting by and living life as per usual. I wonder if I'll ever see him as the strong, unshakable pillar that he was before. .... But if not, that's okay. He's strong anyway, and so capable. He and Mom are both so strong. So capable, so determined... I wish I could make things easier for them. But I'm not a very considerate person normally, and end up missing certain cues entirely.
But Mom and Dad also argued yesterday... I'm never going to get over that feeling of sickness and dread whenever they disagree. Never. I just... wait for voices to be raised and I hate that I can't do anything but sit in my room and wait it out. I'm too scared of what I'll see.
It'll be okay. They love each other. Love is what drives this family and keeps us together. It'll be okay. I can't get cryptic now, not ever.
To-Do List:
app Sharon @
wonderlandwarsreserve & app Sharon @
app Hatter @
vatheon (It's written up and everything. Just... need to type it and send it.)
review Ganymede from Olimpos to possibly app @
wonderlandwars w/ Yun's Apollo
activity check @
somarium (Ada, Boris, and Gareki are covered for sure. It's Rhyme & Kyouya I need to get some final tags in for.)
My tags are getting slower, ugh. I can't wait for Spring Break so I can just recharge.... I have a feeling that the analysis of Ganymede will take me a while though. Such a complex character.
I haven't been commenting around much lately. HOW ARE YOU, F-LIST?