I'm going back to school tomorrow.
So. The first thing that crossed my mind when I realized that school starts tomorrow? ...
"Holy shoot, what am I going to wear."
AS IF I DON'T HAVE A WIDE VARIETY TO PICK FROM. ... that said, I can't wear anything from last year. No no no, not on the first day of school. So I'm going through the lovely picks from my shopping trip to Ontario Mills and realizing that... I still didn't buy anything with sleeves. Anything. How do I layer it up properly in early fall when I don't have any goshdarn sleeves? D: Tanktops could be stacked on top of each other in the middle of summer, but THAT'S NOT THE CASE ANYMORE.
... alright, so. Shallowness aside, I'm not sure how to feel. Lethargy's been eating away at me lately and I still have one last assignment left as I'm typing this, but I don't want to be rushed on getting my thoughts out later, lmao. Priorities, right? Well, it's just labelling in my next assignment, so I'm taking it easy. Then I'll be looking over a few more speeches that were lovingly provided by the people in my last post. ♥ Of course, I'd still be more than happy to accept more suggestions! *A* .... Alright. Back to the point.
My name is Dana Marie _______ (brilliant last name, i know). I am fifteen years old. As of tomorrow, I start my sophomore year of high school. I will wake up at 5:30 AM every day and proceed to get through seven classes every day. I think I'm going to start drinking actual coffee instead of just a frappucino. I am taking 1 AP class and 2 Honors classes. In addition to my schedule, I plan to join two clubs minimum, and I do not plan on having my social life slip away from me this year.
Last year, I made friends with upperclassmen. They would be the ones I would go to the mall with, and thus, I lost touch with some of the friends I had in the years past. I want to ammend that and reconnect with them, because they are so dear to me. I went through some old papers and found things they sent me or wrote for me, and then I realized how I let some amazing people go while I was being occupied with the new and dazzling. I just... I want to succeed not only academically, but socially. Athletically is out, ahaha. But... I'm so done with only being mature and graceful and considerate online. Offline, I'm foul-mouthed and sarcastic. Sure, I'm maybe a little bit more mature than most offline too, but I... I never get close to people enough that I can share my advice without fearing that I'm overstepping a boundary.
But as of this year, I want that to change. I want to be more open, I want to dote on people freely while they're still there, and I want to show people that I care. Maybe some more personal things will be left for my dearer friends, but I don't want to subconsciously give the cold shoulder anymore. I'm going to make it a point to be outgoing and friendly and reach out to people. I've always... been a little icy to people that I'm not familiar with. In fact, one of my dearest friends said that I intimidated her, once upon a time. I found that... really strange. But then after a lot of perseverance, she's one of my dearest confidants. ... I don't want people to have to have that much perseverance. I'm not someone that they should work to be friends with. I don't want to be someone that puts people through the wringer before befriending them!
So... I guess that's my goals for this year. 4.0 GPA and... improving my attitude. I love people, I love getting to know them, I love helping them, and I... love feeling better by making good friends with them. And thus, I don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable knowing me or if they don't know how I feel about them. Friends that I've had for years know- I love them, but I can't show it very well. So I suppose... I just need to work on the execeution.
I hope this year goes well.