Mar 30, 2005 23:02
so i have a rough draft paper for brit lit due tomorrow. i am not too worried about putting my all into this one now that i know how he does rough drafts but i will do a good job on the final production. i have till tuesday to do that one. i got really mad at shane monday and for those who don't know let me explain. we had one weird night sat night that ended up me and him leaving his bro and the girl he was on a date with, his friend kelly and his girlfriend and we walked all the way back to his house. now it was only two miles but smokers have trouble breathing as it is and he kept challenging me to outrun him, and who am i to turn down a challenge. so anyway i ended up staying the night then the next day we got up and well ya know, then he took me back to sheilas. well he was suppose to come back so we could say goodbye, so ya know i gave him a quick kiss and said see ya later. well he never came back and when i called his house his mom said that he had spent the night at brandi's house. brandi is his bro's ex-girlfriend. well i didn't think anything of it because his sister was supposedly over there. so i tried to call him at least, well he never called back and we left at eight in the morning on monday. then i me and sheila get to erin's and we head out, the car messes up and we end up going back to hazelhurst once we hit jackson to get another car, well i called his house to see if he had made it back yet. well his sis answered and said he was still over there. now i'm thinking why is shane alone over there.but i had decided not to jump to conclusions because maybe his bro was over there too. so he didn't call monday either, so i got mad and highlighted my hair pink. so its a lovely pinkiish red color. well he called last night and told me wayne was over there and he had just wanted to hang out with him. he had had a bad day yesterday. now i ain't even going to lie i jumped to conclusions and as sheila pointed out it was because of sam. i mean when sam pulled that he usually did cheat on me and that was usually a sign that he was bout to break up with me. so i need to quit comparing him so sam because shane is HELL of alot better than sam, and more of a man then sam will ever be. so everything is good now i think. it was just a bad day monday, but i was due one since i haven't had one in a long time. so yeah that was my past few days in a nutshell. my lesson learned? quit comparing boyfried of present to boyfriend of past, and quit jumping to conclusions. which i really did try to stop myself from doing. i was just really hurt that i didn't get to say goodbye to him, i mean like ya know not bye honey see you in two hours which i did. i wanted to say bye honey see ya in two months. big difference to me. i am tired but not really, i really just need to bs my paper for tomrrow and study for a test and then get a lil bit of sleep, then i can rewrite the paper for tuesday. well gotta go.