It's amazing how quickly one can fall back into old habits. Sigh.
My sister came over Wednesday with Amelia and my nephew and niece in tow. It was good to see them all. Amelia is getting so big. She's just so stinkin' cute! *g*
I have done some job searching over the past couple of days even though I said I was going to take a week off. Sort of like a vacation just to relax before I hit the bricks so to speak. Anyway, I came across an ad for the postal office in the next city that is hiring. Did you know that a postal worker makes about $57, 000 in their first year?!! I can't believe that! I had no idea they made that much. I think I may check into and see exactly what positions they are hiring for.
Started a new Billy/Dom fic that I am totally psyched about! Wheeeeeeee! I love it when inspiration hits. :)
All right, I'm off, but before I go a wee pic spam of my niece Amelia. These were all taken last week. Isn't she a doll!