Jan 01, 2005 01:47
g'z-o-peetz.. It has been quite a Few huh? Yep Yep... well hmm - guess we'll pLay catch-up!
The week b4 Christmas.. we Had pom OUt Side.. Yep it wasn't So hoRRibLe of a Day tho -- So i Merrily went.. hmm -- that was IN-ter-est-ing!... yep Yep.. Oh aLso i went Running @ the Rec.. tryin' to Shed them "x-tra" lbs.. one sometimes gains duRing the HoLiday seaSon =) Been Tannin' a lil BIt here n there too -- hoo-Ray!... hmm The 23rd was my Momies' B-day.. she had a Nice -n - happy one too!... and chRistmas was Really Nice.. had a Nice lil-white-one we did ::BiG sMiLes:: - I went n Hung out w/ johNathon's Fam- n mine aRound x-mas. LOVED Food.. it's Hard to Say no... pRetty much impossibLe!
- - - - THis paSt weEk.. was Rather PainFul~.. on Monday ouR pom team ( and the band )was invited to peRform @ the Motor City BOwl n d-town..So we did.. and that was Pretty fun.. 'cept for NOt Really wantin to b there.. Got a liL boring.. (specially listening to GIrls argue about who gets to b in the middle of pictures??) its all good w/e - Ne who!
TueSDay.. i had my SurGery On my MouTh.(caLm down it wasn't plastic suRgery or nethign seveRe ;)..and Im cuRretnly SpoRting SOme adOrable ChuBby Cheeks tho.. NOT BY CHOICE... can't wait till they're Gone =( My DoctoR -- who is a Luna-tic -- wasn't Responsible and Dint CHeck the positioning of the ONLY 3 wisdom teeth i had.. and Decided to just cut wherever - WRONG.. not a good idea -- then he aLso wasn't so caReful about how much Gas, novacane and anestsia - he gave me.. and i wasn't relaxed, numb, or unconcious -- so i felt alot -- also a bad idea.. - Buttt ive had alot of fun Medicine.. and i'm begining to feel better.. anyONe who got to see me tonight -- yep saw them cheeks:) they'll b Gone - pRomIse...
tues-Friday -- i sat home.. dint leave -- sorta became a "couch-zombie" Recieved sum acoRns to match my "chipmunk"face.. and was pRetty much babied :) -- i even had my Gum Pre-chewed..danka Johnathon -- LoL that's love when ppL abc ure Gum =) -- ToniGht John n i Visited w/ megan, ashley moss, Sargem, and Cori -- and well we "Left just in time ".... n went n saw everyone @ DetLors.. -- watched the BaLL dRop... lil awKwaRd.. But aLL smiLes for me -- and Melbie PInchin my CHeeks ( she was WAYYY DRuNk ) so i had a niCe night OuT... TaLked 2 SomE Old FrienDs --BiLLy... hmpe... well -- tha'z all FolKs.. 2-moRROw -- ima enJoy some ReLaXination.. n Put my Room BaCk TogeTher :)
LatOr - GatOrs! Muah jessica Cate