Aug 19, 2006 04:41
Sigh so one week til she goes back to school. Its gonna suck so much, and its gonna happen two more times in the years after. Damn. Well I hope it won't be too bad because....I got a job! Yea after my technical firing from T Net which I was planning on ending anyways I was forced to find a new job. It worked out quite well as Kell Kell helped me with a connection to Jennys mom who works at Target and was a solid reference to get me noticed. I applied, they called me next day, interview the next. Wow. But yea so Kellie also drove me to the interview since I'm still lacking the car and since I haven't had an interview yet (Talent Network had shitty hiring practices, woulda let anyone in) I was a tad nervous. I was looking all snazzy and figured at most it would take an hour, unfortunately ended up taking two with a lot of waiting. It was great practice for situations where you need to come up with a quick answer to a question which I'd like to think I'm getting pretty good at. Mostly talked about situations at school and at the previous job. Both people I interviewed with seem to have liked me and it was just like socializing at times. This came at the perfect time though right before school where I need transportation, which I need cash money to obtain which I need a job to get. My bros even gonna finance me with a loan of a couple thousand dollars to get a car from a private dealer, so I should have my own wheels again in a week or two!! Shame I lose my girlfriend to the evil of distance ammounting to two hours. Its gonna be so hard to stay away from her and not go to central every day I get a chance. I hope she feels the same and comes home more often than last year. I didn't even realize our 8 month anniversary went by I've been so caught up spending time with her. I hate to say it but not many other people really matter besides her. I keep thinking like wow I miss all of my friends in my head picturing a lot of people but really I can count em on one hand. Theres Marx who has not tried to contact me recently, Alissa who I talk to semi regularly, Bill who I have not talked to much except the one day recently we hung out, Chaz who is in and I hadn't seen much of when hes home. Theres other people I'd like to count in there such as Laura but I think if she weren't with Bill we woulda faded to being "very good friends who just stopped seeing each other." I should count Klotzer in there cuz hes just always been there even if its in spurts. I'm in like desperation mode of soaking all the time I can get with Kellie in that I've realized who I actually care about seeing. Sure I'd love to see Renee, Emily, Sheryl, Diane, Rachel, Wojciak, Max, Erik etc. but right now my times too important to see them. The others I listed I can really only spend time with as long as Kellies there I just don't want to let her go. Expect a very grumpy and unhappy me when she leaves. I felt strongly last year and all how much it sucked when she was gone, but now that like our relationship is even more meaningful and real it's extra bad. I would spend the rest of my life being with her every day and loving her now if it were possible. Is that wrong? Don't you just know when something fits as perfectly as she fits in my life? Yea....but anyways I got sidetracked as usual....the next day after the target interview Kell drove me and her to the zoo! We realized it was one of our few real dates since we spend so much time at home or when we go out that it's always with other people. Had a great time walking around looking at everything and taking pictures and seeing all but 8 animals in the place. Got some great pictures and some funny ones too spent good time walking and talking and enjoying our good friends like the otter and the polar bear and of course the little red pandas. Went swimming for a cool down after as the sun was beating down on us in traffic. Earlier today we rented When a Stranger Calls and The Hills Have Eyes, I just love how Kell reacts all scared and holds my arm close when shes getting ready to be scared. I'm thinking about starting a hobby and I can't decide whether it should be finishing the road rally book idea that my dad started, writing the novel of my life story thus far (hey its got a current happy end!), getting into reading books, writing comedy material, writing a movie script, coming up with more road rally clues, researching more the steps to take to get my moms invention marketed, or anything else.....who knows? I'll probably just end up playing video games lol.