Oct 25, 2004 11:51
So I just went and got new tires, because one I got a flat on my right front tire, and two both my front tires had no tread on them at all. So when I come back to get my car they tell me I need to fix all this stuff, and well some of it Josh might be able to fix, but there was one part, something like the lower arms something, by my brakes, well those need to be fixed. SO that will come to a grand total of almost $700. Let me add I don't have $700, so when I got home I started crying because I'm stressed about money once again. So then I started working on my cone, it's pink, it has lots of stars and it's sweet, but now I have to go take a business test and I'm not too excited... LIFE SUCKS for the moment... lol... well no CARS SUCK for the moment... watch my luck my car will break down on the way to school... lol...
Sorry bout the bitching! lol
I'd say it would stop, but it probably won't!