so, today began beautifully....
i got up at 8 (so nice) said bye to meg fader as she was leaving my apartment for school. I'll see her wednesday for a repeat match of tennis ;)
I got ready for school, and at 10:30, my phone rings. In my head I am thinking 'liz needs a ride to school...' NOPE, its my BOYFRIEND!!! I was so excited to talk to him. He never calls me in the morning... ok, once he did. He is such a different person on the phone in the morning... so happy and energetic. I love him! I guess he called me on his break. It was a great 10 minutes.
I went to class (happily) for Liz's presentation on forget culture?! Interesting presentation. Yeah, our group was really the best presentation group. Poor liz got stuck with the retards. Anyway, they conned me into being their sound effects for their presentation (becuase they needed a non-group member) sure, tiffany will do it. hahaha. that was the funniest part of their presentation... the sound effects.
After class we headed to the Marshall Center to check out the Senior Send-off thing. Boring. All the had was some alumni association (that you have to pay $15 to belong to, how dumb... doesnt this school have enough of my money?) and a world AIDS day booth - that i was OF COURSE thrilled about. I got ribbons for EVERYONE! I signed up to win an alumni blanket and a basket of graduation goodies. (i never win, oh well)
Liz and I ate lunch in the Marshall Center, she went and got a new student ID becuase she is a cheap ass and wants to continue getting student discounts after she graduates. hahaha. I should have thought of that first!! She gave me the key to her apartment, and told me to go home and use her computer for my power point crap i had to do today. I think it sucks, but I really dont care at this point in my student career. yes, i said career. So, I went to her apartment and did my power point for 3 hours.
I got home around 3:30, i talked to susan a little... I took a 20 minute nap. I FINISHED MY THEORIES PAPER!!! so that is done :) now it's 9pm and I think I should quit for the day. I have accomplished a lot today and tomorrow I have more to do.
Tasks for tomorrow:
1. Go to school at the crack of dawn to buy cap and gown
2. Find a computer lab that is open and fix anything wrong with my presentation
3. Do presentation for class
4. go directly to work 11:30 -7:30
5. Buy dad's birthday gift (a fooseball table?) at sports authority
6. come home and play tennis with meg fader!
7. work on my HIC essay set - finish
8. hopefully talk to Ali
9. bed.
I think somewhere in there I will eat... who knows...probably not.
I DO need to go grocery shopping... maybe friday afternoon.
this week is just a mess... but I seriously have mastered it. I am so proud of myself. I am. I graduate NEXT saturday! NEXT SATURDAY!!! wow. who would have thought.