Jun 30, 2005 17:08
Im in west chester babysitting right now...the boys are down for their naps right now though...
Nothing is really going on. I'm doing work in my room...cleaning it all out and re-doing my closet...the closet part is hard because my closet is so small to begin with but the cleaning part is i think the most difficult. I just have so much stuff...apparently I'm a pack-rat...but I'm pitching most the things so thats good. This way when I move out it will be easier because I wont have so much to go through.
I did a lot better this quarter than i thought I would! So thats exciting:) I caculated my gpa wrong (and I was way off! lol) but I have a 2.0 for spring quarter and I'm very pleased with that. I know a lot of people if they got that they would be disappointed but I figure it as a job well done for me because I'm taking gen. ed. in subjects I have no interest in/not very good at so being able to pull off a 2.0 to me is good.
My horomones are crazy right now because I'm a girl and its that time of month and it sucks. I'm letting things get to me way too much. I talked to Jenn about it today...that girl is crazy but i love her lol!
The 4th is coming up and this sunday me and my family are going over to my second cousin's house in Indiana because they always have a party for the family for most of us its the only time of year we get to see everybody...i havent gone to it in like 2 years because I stayed home to hang with friends but this year im going because a couple of my great uncles arent doing so well and may not be around in the years to come so i want to see them.
I should have a good size check this week because I have put in a lot of hours in for work the past two weeks so I'm happy about that.
Well I better go and get the boys up....ill talk to you guys later! bye!:)