Life sux...but sometimes it gets better...

Nov 06, 2004 19:44

WEll it 7 and Chula and I didn't do anything at all!!!We just watched tv all day. My computer is fucked up. FOr some reason I miss this guy from my old school he was really nice and cool. I love all those teenage movies like mean girls and cinderella story, but I hate them because nothing like that does not really happens in REAL life.I love my life right now, but my grades are kinda fucked up too. But it is all good. I started really caring about my parents and I don't know why, I guess because I started being afraid of making them sad. Like the weekend that they came here I got some bad grades so I thought they got kinda upset. Later I talked to my Dad and he told me that from all creations that he made I am the sweetest one and that made me soooo sad. I was ready to cry my heart out. But anyway I am getting better. Audra was acting weird, I don't know why it is maybe just me. SHe was pretty violent and it makes me feel like she hates me, but anyway I love you anyway Audra. I love you all. Mom, Dad even if you never going to read this, you still the best thing that I have in my life...and my grandma..and Darkhan...and my 4 cousins. I love you all!!!
Just for chula I love you fat ass!
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