This is my art post for the
spn_j2_bigbang. It's also the last post of this year's big bang - which was totally amazing!!
Thanks a lot to the mods of
spn_j2_bigbang who made all of this possible! You rock, girls!!!
My arts were made for the story "Hey it could happen" written by
causeways and
I was so lucky to get them. They gave me free rein for all my artistic outpourings. ;o)
I'm not sure if the story will be posted - but I hope so!
Now it's official - the story will not be posted. But the writers really tried everything to finish it in time. And I'm proud that I was able to work with such a sweet and great person like
causeways! She is awesome and I can only ask you to check her lj for her other stories!!!
Oh and I want to thank my beloved sister in art
sleepless3333 for forcing me to do this and for her support and patience!
WARNING: It contains a sort of Wincest. *gg*
SUMMARY: This is the story of how unicorns (to be exactly, they are goats with horns) saved Sam and Dean. It's a little embarrassing. Dean would like to make very clear that he has absolutely not befriended the unicorns. Also, he totally doesn't have a thing for his brother.
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