like always...

Mar 19, 2008 10:45

Eastern is just around the corner, and when do I notice? Like, a week ago?
Maybe it's because I'm not that religious *thinks* Anyway, this weekend probably there'll be chocolate xD I'm not sure if dad will come with Ailin and Ro, or not (hopes they will).
I have so many things that I want to do, but because of this or that, I can't :/ It's on stupid things, but here's a small example: when I make fanmixes, I only post the upload of each song, not an entire zip or rar. The thing is that I never do it because it takes me a lot of time, blah, blah...but people like it like that because it easier, and I can't blame them because it's true :) Today I said to myself "I'm going to make a zip of both fanmixes!". I'm uploading (7% or 8%), when suddenly internet goes down and I lost that small porcent << Am I meant to upload a zip or what? xD
Good part is that I wanted to make Uno Commercial icons, and after a week of not doing anything, I finally did it! So yay for me xD
And before I go, another meme (yeah, it's adiciting)

1. Reply to this post and I will pick three of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

Pascua ya casi viene, y cuando me doy cuenta? Como, una semana antes?
Tal vez es porque no soy religiosa *piensa* De todos modos este finde probablemente haya chocolate xD No se si mi papa va a venir con Ailin y Ro, o no (espero que si).
Tengo tantas cosas que quier hacer, pero por esto o aquello, no puedo :/ Es en cosas tontas, pero este un pequeño ejemplo: cuando hago fanmixes, solo posteo el link para bajar cada cancion, no todo un zip o rar. Lo que pasa es que nunca lo hago porque me lleva mucho tiempo, bla, bla...pero la gente le gusta porque es mucho mas facil, y no los puedo culpar por que es verdad :) Hoy me dije a mi misma "Voy a hacer un zip de los dos fanmixes!". Estaba cargando (7% u 8%) cuando de repente mi internet cae y pierdo ese pequeño porcentaje << Estoy destinada a subir zip o que? xD
La buena parte es que queria hacer iconos del comercial Uno, y despues de una semana sin hacer nada, finalmente los hice! Bien por mi xD
Y antes que me vaya, otro meme (si, son adictivos)

1. Responde este post y eligire tres de tus iconos.
2. Crea un post (incluyendo esta informacion) y habla de los iconos que elegi.
3. Otras personas luego te comentan y hacen sus propios posts.
4. Esto creara un circulo sin fin de iconos. Whoo!

Choosen by


Sam (Natalie Portam) from "Garden State"! :) One of my favorite characters, and I loved that scene, with the headphones...I love Natalie :)

So Kla (
ladymarmalade77) posted a new Orli pic like a few weeks ago, and I fell in love with it. So I said to myself "I have to make an icon of it!". There you go :)

This an icon from the video "You're All I Have" by Snow Patrol, and I'm using it because there aren't many icons from this video :)

meme, eastern, family, rambling, random, iconos

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