
Dec 12, 2007 15:55

Hey everyone!
Life has been good now that I'm done with school *lol* I mean, I'm doing well. Though I couldn't sleep till noon yet xD I've been going to school for papers for college, then going to my little sister's act (she looked awesome! she was the star of her act xD), etc. But it's okay! Not worrying about school xD
Now I have to say I'm so proud of Robert :D (Pattinson, who else?) He got the role of Edward of Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" *jumps* I didn't read the book yet (God, I'm begging mom to buy it to me *lol*) but I think it's a pretty important movie, and character :D I think Rob will surprise us all (including the ones who didn't expect him to). To support him, 
I still owe you guys the voice posts (I'm working on them *lol*), as well as the gifts of that meme I once did. I also have a lot of pictures of the prom, Vicky's birthday and my sister's act :D 
Have a nice week everyone!

Hola a todos
La vida ha sido bueno ahora que estoy de vacaciones *lol* Digo, estoy bien. Aunque todavia no pude dormir hasta el mediodia xD Fui al colegio por papeles para la universidad, luego al acto de mi hermanita (esta tan linda! era la estrella de su acto xD), etc. Pero esta bien! No me estoy preocupando por el colegio xD
Ahora debo decir que estoy orgullosa por Robert :D (Pattinson, quien mas?) Obtuvo el papel de Edward en "Crepusculo" de Stephenie Meyer *jumps* No lei el libro todavia (Dios, estoy rogandole a mi mama que me lo compre *lol*) pero creo que es ua pelicula y personaje importante :D Creo que Rob nos va a sorprender a todos (incluyendo a los que no querian que fuese el). Para apoyarlo, 
Todavia les debo el voice post (estoy trabajando en ellos *lol*), tambien los regalos del meme que una vez hice. Tambien tengo muchas fotos de la fiesta de egresador, el cumple de Vicky y el acto de mi hermanita :D
Tengan una linda semana todos!


sisters, vacations, college, photos, twilight, robert pattinson, school

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