Hey there! Bored weekend. If it wasn't for internet, music and Vicky's messagges...
Oh, and my sister was angry at me. I'm not the one to blame for her bad grades, am I? Speaking of which, I got pretty good ones myself :D I'm quite proud of me *lol*
I was so inspired this weekend, that I made a bunch of icons. I'm probably posting them this week or any time soon ;)
Here are some pictures of the meeting with Noe and Vicky :D
Hola! Finde aburrido. Si no era por internet, musica y los mensajitos de Vicky...
Oh, y mi hermana se enojo conmigo. No soy a la que tiene que culpar por su malas notas, no? Hablando de eso, me saque buenas notas :D Estoy bastante orgullosa de mi misma *lol*
Estuve bastante inspirada este fine, hice un par de iconos. Probablemente los postee esta semana ;)
Aca les dejo fotos de cuando nos vimos con Noe y Vicky :D
Picture at the subtrain, taken by Vicky :) I like Noe's face!
Foto en el subte, sacada por Vicky :) Me gusto la cara de Noe!
Politic who was going to be gobernor of the city. But he lost xD We met him when we were going to the shopping :O Vicky's a huge fan of him *lol* Nah, just kidding...right?
Politico que iba a ser gobernador de la ciudad. Pero perdio xD Lo conocimos cuando ibamos al shopping :O Vicky es una gran fan de el *lol* Nah, mentira...no?
Vicky and I :) At Mc Donald's...we and our crazy ideas to go to London xD
Vicky y yo :) En el McDonald's...nosotras y nuestras locas ideas para ir a Londres xD
Don't we look like Fiona Apple at the beginning of "Criminal"? xD
No nos parecemos a Fiona Apple al principio de "Criminal"? xD