I guess I still can't be ok..

Jun 09, 2005 00:47

I slept all day today because of staying up all night last night..
I had bloodwork done at 1, and I almost passed out because I hadn't eaten anything.. I've sort of just snacked for supper.

The worst thing about today is that Jinx is gone.. I just feel like crying right now.. just all day.
I can't stand it.. he was my best friend while he was here.. even though we did fight a lot. He was the person always.. always here for me to talk to.. it's crazy how much I miss him.
And it's different for him, because he gets to go back home to his family.. I'm just losing someone. I have to wait until I can go and see him.. I just feel so much like I'm dying inside right now..

My mom and gram were talking to me about re-evaluating my relationship.. wtf? Why would I re-evaluate my relationship.. just because we have some issues. Yea, he treats me shitty sometimes.. I do the same thing to him. I fucking love him, and he makes me happier than anything else or anyone else so there's no way I'd wanna lose him anyway, even though we do have our problems.. and now that he's gone I've realized how much he means to me from how much I miss him. I've been trying to ignore it, but I can't right now.

I miss Christina a lot too, I can't wait until she comes back but I can't believe she'll only be here for a week and then she ships out to B.T. Both my grandparents and my mom are upset about her going into the military.. everyone's afraid she's gonna get shipped overseas, and I'd freak. I don't want anything happening to my best friend.

I hope she's having fun out there in Cali.. I hope everyone is having fun out there in Cali without me.. I miss you guys more than you could ever know. Thanks for sticking around, Megan.

I love you guys.

bye for now


I love him,
I love him,
I love him,
I love him..
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