World War II, The Cold War, and World War Was started from misuse of religion not necissaryily, they were misused in the wars but not starters
Spanish Inquisition
witch trials
henry viii and catholic church
Old testement and smaller sects The New Testament just shows how humans transform religions to their own satisfaction and also to offer a rebuttal towards appearing outdated.
Medieval Ages
Most instances of exclusion can be attributed to religion. Even today, there is considerable exclusion even within the same religious groups, like how Orthodox Jews don't recognize Reform, or how basically all Christian sects are really confused and have different beliefs between each of them that divide them. EXCLUSION------Yeah, that might be a good way to link together all the points in your paper, by saying that all of these instances of the "misuse" of religion can be linked by the common thread of exclusion or something like that.
Also don't forget to include the Boer Wars, Indian/Pakistani independence and also Aboriginal genocide of Inuits, Native Americans and Australian Aborigines for their perceived "savage" religions.
This is purely subjective, but one could argue Buddhism/Hinduism fathered the language which spawned most Western languages today... Sanskrit.---- Perhaps not indo-aryan/sanskrit are a totally different branch of the indo-european tree than proto-germanic or latin
a) Buddhists didn't even use sanskrit intially, they used local koines
b) Western languages evolved from Germanic, provincial Latins some with Celtic substrates, Greek, and Proto-Slavic, each originating (along with Sanskrit) from Proto-Indo-European; her literature was tempered by the beginnings of classical Greek and Latin writing
c) Classical Sanskrit literature, language, and philosophy did not seriously influence the West until naval routes were established between the two regions in the 16th century.
Former Catholic here, and I can definitely attest to this. This is part of the reason why I was questioning of a faith that centered more on the "new testament," which basically said how outdated and stupid everything the rabbis taught was. To me, it seemed kind of lazy, to make this new religion just to suit peoples' new needs, instead of reforming the existing structure of Judaism.
Perhaps a part of the Vietnamese War? The immolation of the Buddhist monk whose name escapes me would have to be one of the most gruesome and extreme forms of protest against war.The use of Buddhism to maintain the caste system in India. Buddhism was used to pacify the poor lower class with the belief that if you work hard in this life, you will come back higher up in the next life Israel-Gaza conflict
If Bush was Atheist, all the morons of America would not have supported a religious outsider. Since he wasn't, they identified with him more due to him doing a service for the great Judeo-Christian alliance.
The fact is, the 2nd Iraqi-American war is just a modern day Crusade where the reasoning was focused on Oil possession and military budget bolstering. It was indirectly justified by the whole "god is on our side" and subliminally pitting Allah against God.