Ohohoho ho ho ho!
... OOOHOHOHOHOHOHO~ Yes, right, it's perfect! No-- FLAWLESS!
[Before now, the video feed was just a blank screen. But now, tiny hands grab the camera, and a remarkably familiar masked face comes into view, zoomed in close. She smirks.] For it is I, the mighty, [dramatic pause] the powerful, [dramatic pause] the unstoppable--!
[longest dramatic pause yet]
Hero-types beware, for this lovely antihero is on the prowl! And she's coming after you!
((ooc: hfgj
basically what her outfit looks like, only in dark colors. and with a mask xD momoko got hit with my secret identity and turned into a supervillain, details are
here! and if anyone else wants to be kidnapped, you're free to throw them at her xD she'll really find a way to take just about everyone, superhero or not. she's basically set up in an empty apartment room))