May 12, 2017 20:09
the truth is, this is the end.. it's been the end. everything is ending. good thing it takes at least 12 seasons. endings can be long.
this place is insanity.
but i find myself again, back where i was before. 5-6 years is the cycle.
the physical world, the non-physical, they are conspiring. i see it.
i'm grasping here, cause i think i need it. i haven't cried, and that seems wrong.
surreal is not a goodenoughword.
this situation requires a different me. an older wiser more capable me. i can only guess i'm here, somewhere.
do i poke holes and release the pressure? will it flood the spillway?
my tears are individual knots on a silvery string that is part of a fabric and i am pulling it and counting them like rosary beads in my mind each pearl is there and then gone.
im here for my energy to be lent. im here to share those things you cant see but that make a difference. im here mama, im here. and none of this makes any sense.